Our Friends


You have a whole month to enter our challenge. All winners will be announced at the end of the challenge, the Winner and an overall TOP 3 will be announced and added to our sidebar at the end of the month as well. In the meantime, watch to see if you're featured throughout the month and don't forget!
Grab your Winner badge, TOP 3 or Featured badge under our "Grab a Badge" page!

Monday 3 September 2012

Our New DT!

Hello!! We have our new DT, they have been notified and have their badges, so .. please help me welcome our newest DT Members!!

(Karen's 12 yr old daughter - will be occasional)

We have a fabulous DT and we'll be kicking off on Friday, September 7th at 8am EST with some AWESOME inspiration for you! See you back here on Friday!!

Thanks for joining us at Digitally 'Sweet'!

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME LADIES! Thrilled to be working with such talent! Let's get this party started!


Thank you for coming by!! We are sorry we are no longer a challenge blog, however we hope you are able to collect inspiration from the cards and projects to help you in your digital quest. "Digital Diva"!


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.