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Monday 27 August 2012

Calendar Page

Morning! Here's something I did for a challenge last night - it's a 12x12 calendar page for 2013. How did I do it? I was given the calendar template to dl and I saved it to my desktop. Then I went into MMS and opened a blank 12x12 page. For my background, I used one of my personal photo's from last weeks holidays. Then I looked for a quote to fit the photo and saved that to my desktop as well. Then all you have to do is "add photo" and find those 2 photo's on your desktop and add them where you want them on your page! It's that easy!!

Thanks for joining us at Digitally 'Sweet'!

1 comment:

Thank you for coming by!! We are sorry we are no longer a challenge blog, however we hope you are able to collect inspiration from the cards and projects to help you in your digital quest. "Digital Diva"!


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